Monday, August 23, 2010

Another Take--Ikatu

One of the interns I worked with  sent this article along to me today. It is about the Ikatu project that I was working on during my time in Paraguay. I found it quite...interesting. I think many of you who have followed the work I described doing throughout my experience, will notice some discrepancies upon reading the article  You're not imagining it--you're right! Particularly things like the manner in which the indicators are measured, and the way the workshops are designed and the topics chosen. Quite fundamental differences, really. I'm curious as to where the author of the article got her information, and for what purpose it is going to be used, but I'm not sure I'll ever find out for sure!

Things are going well back in Boulder. I spent a week in Seattle right after getting back from Paraguay seeing family and friends, and am now all settled back in and starting classes tomorrow for the last year of my undergraduate education! There was a lot of culture shock and adjustment and processing that went on right after I got back. It was a struggle in a lot of ways, but ultimately I had a wonderful (that doesn't really even encompass it) experience, and I'm glad to be home.

Again, thanks so much for following along on this adventure with me!

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