One thing I do really like about the World Cup: it means a two hour break from work. Yes, I do like my job, but no matter how much one likes their job, I think breaks are always welcome now and then. During the Paraguay games, everyone from all of the Fundacion's offices gather together to watch and yell and eat traditional Paraguayan food. (And we are not the only ones. Committees won't hold meetings during the games. Schools decided that unlike during the last World Cup, they wouldn't actually close, they would just watch the games in school instead. You get the idea.) And let me tell you, it's crazy. Especially when Paraguay wins. Which they seem to be doing a good bit of, actually.
Some employees after the first game (Thanks for the picture, Manuel!) I think everyone in the country owns a jersey...almost. |
Yesterday, Paraguay beat Japan. This is the farthest Paraguay has ever made it in the World Cup, and it's a big deal. When we went out into the field right after the game, everyone was driving around honking their horns waving flags out of the windows (or in some cases, they were doing the hanging out of the windows themselves...or riding around on the tops of their cars or any number of other things that are undoubtedly illegal in the States). And I'll be honest, despite the fact that I just claimed not to care about soccer at all, excitement can be contagious. Mob mentality, anyone? Sure thing.
Saturday, Paraguay has another game against none other than Spain. I should mention that with four people, Spain is very well represented in the intern house. This should be fun...